Little Chicks is a classic children's story from beloved author-illustrator Taro Gomi. Through engaging illustrations and a heartwarming tale, the story follows three chicks as they explore and adventure in the big, wide world, only to come home to the comfort of their parents. Ideal for young children, the book offers a reassuring reminder that no matter how far they may roam, there is always love a home.
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Between $0 And $60 | Standard Shipping (10-15 Business days) | USD $15 |
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Tag Size | US | Shoulder | Bust | Length |
S | S | 15.35 | 37.01 | 23.23 |
M | M | 15.75 | 38.58 | 23.62 |
L | L | 16.14 | 40.16 | 24.02 |
XL | XL | 16.54 | 41.73 | 24.41 |
2XL | XXL | 16.93 | 43.31 | 24.8 |